Did You Finish Your homework? part 2

Finished your homework part 2

Hey North Richland Hills parents!

Recently we shared a powerful tip if you can‘t get your child to prioritize homework over video games. Make sure to check our last post if you haven’t read it already.

Today, we’re addressing a different issue that prevents kids from focusing on homework: a distracting environment. Psychologists say that if we use our bedroom space for work, meals, and playtime, it is harder to fall asleep in that multi-purpose space.

When we only use our beds for sleep, our bodies and mind get ready for sleep. The same applies to homework. When we give our children a space that is ONLY for homework and study – their minds and body get right into the zone as soon as they sit down.

You can prepare the best homework space for your child by doing these things: Create a calm ambiance. Provide soft lighting in an organized and clean area to help your kid feel relaxed. Play some soft instrumental music, or hand them a pair of noise-canceling headphones.

Remove distracting gadgets. Toys, TVs, cell phones, and iPads must be put away – and ideally out of the room so your kid can concentrate on homework. If they need a computer/phone to study, make sure it is used for studying and nothing else.(check out the Parental Control feature on your devices to block distracting or inappropriate sites/apps)

Make materials reachable. Homework books, pencils, erasers, calculators, textbooks, and water should be available at all times to prevent your kid from getting up. If they’re in the next room, when your child goes to get them, they might see their Xbox and get distracted!

Bonus tip: set a timer to see how much work they can get done in 20 minutes. If they can complete a few tasks in that time, reward them with a supervised break. Give them time to release their energy to help them focus better on the next task!

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