Texas Tornado Newsletter


The staff here at Texas Storm Kenpo Karate is proud to announce our new monthly newsletter. This newsletter is designed to keep you informed regarding the upcoming events and opportunities at our North Richland Hills martial arts studio.

Here are some of the items that will be covered in this month’s newsletter.

Scheduled Sparring Classes
BISD Closings/Kenpo Camp Days
Texas Championship Tournament
Foster Village Trunk or Treat
Miss Rhonda’s Birthday
TSK Halloween Party
Monthly Belt Test
Halloween Observance

We want to acknowledge the New Students and New Trials to our North Richland Hills Kenpo family.

New Student
Jamie S

New Trials
Rory W
Lizzie W
Alaina B
Allie B
Teddy J
Cal L
Eleanor F

We look forward to helping to reach your full potential on and off the mat.

welcome new students
Texas Karate Championships
two boys sparring at Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
Texas Tornado Newsletter


Here at Texas Storm Kenpo Karate, we generally conduct our monthly belt/stripe testing on the last Saturday of the month.  

Here is the list of students who successfully completed grading and moved a little closer to their black belt.

Kaylin B

Kinsley W
Xander C
Adan V
Jake D

Rivka G

Our goal at Texas Storm Kenpo Karate is to always be “Inspiring Your Success!”

October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
Texas Tornado Newsletter
two boys sparring at Texas Storm Kenpo Karate

Tournament & Sparring Classes

Texas Storm Kenpo Karate students will be participating at the Texas Karate Championships in Arlington, this month.

The event will take place on Saturday, October 15th.

Tournaments are a great place to test a student’s skills in an environment outside our studio. Tournaments are safe and fun, although a little stressful for students who have never competed before.

Even if students are not interested in competing, we highly encourage you to attend and cheer on the students who will be participating.

For more information visit…

If you or your child will be participating we encourage you to attend the two sparring classes we have scheduled.

On the day of the tournament, there will be NO privates or classes. 


The following evenings are sparring classes for the month of October.

Wednesday, October 5th and Tuesday, October 11th are the sparring classes that are scheduled before the tournament. Lets see everyone in class for these classes. Lets have a safe, great time!

Texas Tornado Newsletter

BISD Closings and Camp Days

Birdville ISD campuses will be closed for classes on Friday, October 7th, and Monday, October 10th.

Not sure what to do with your child for these days? No worries.

Texas Storm Kenpo Karate will be offering Martial Arts Training Days for kids 6 and up for students and their friends who would enjoy challenging days of drills and activities.

Participants are required to bring a water bottle, a sack lunch that does not require heating up, and a book, as we have a 30 minute read time each day.

We will post the link to the checkout page in the Members Group tomorrow for students who wish to participate in one or both days.

Our NRH AfterSchool success families do not pay extra to attend these. days.

October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
Texas Tornado Newsletter

October Spooky Events

October is such a fun time of year. Often the leaves change to autumn colors, the temperature cools down, and activities increase here at the studio.

Lets explore more of the events that will take place this month.

On Friday, October 21st from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, staff from Texas Storm Kenpo Karate will participate in a fun event at their elementary campus.

We could use some volunteers to help stuff grab bags to be handed out at the event.

During the evening of Saturday, October 22nd from 6 pm to 8pm we will be hosting an event that will create memories that last for years.

This is a full costume event for the whole family. It is a potluck dinner with games, raffles, and fun prizes.

During the Halloween Party, we will also celebrate Miss Rhonda’s 25th (I think) birthday. Let’s show her how much we appreciate everything she does for our studio.

Due to our low attendance generally on Halloween, we will be closed for classes on Monday, October 31st.

NOTE: We will still have after-school success on Halloween.


halloween party graphic
Texas Tornado Newsletter

October Belt Test List

One of the most important events during a student’s journey to black belt is the testing process.

It is important for parents to be present and support their child through the testing process.

The list below is a tentative test list. It may grow or shrink by the test date. If you feel you or your child should be included on this list, please reach out to us.

LilDragons 8:30 am
Tigers 9:30 am
Juniors 11:00 am
Adults 1:30 pm

belt test graphic



Texas Tornado Newsletter
October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
Texas Tornado Newsletter
Kids Summer Camp North RIchland
Adult Martial Arts North Richland
North Richland Martial Arts Classes for Teens
Texas Tornado Newsletter

October Life Skills - Patience

Our Life Skill this month is patience.

Patience is an important skill for everyone. You see, when we are young, we get all this attention. It seems we are the center of everyone’s universe.

We are waited on hand and foot. When we cry, others rush to meet our needs.

As we grow and are becoming more exposed to a more social environment, it takes time and training to learn we are no longer the center of everything.

It is then, that as children we need to take turns and not always get to go first, despite the impulse to try and satisfy our own wants immediately.

We mature more and have to learn to wait for things that we “think” we need and learn to put things off for future gratification.

As we age, we learn to have patience with the behaviors of others. Sometimes we have to see situations through the eyes and feelings of others.

True patience as a mature adult, takes on several meanings. Patience requires a person to be willing to give up immediate gratification for something we feel we deserve. It also means giving a child time to grow and learn by trial and error, as we guide them into wonderful human beings.


Kids Summer Camp in North Richland
October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
Texas Tornado Newsletter



As the premier American Kenpo studio in the DFW metroplex we have been a full-time studio for more than two decades.

We have lasted this long only because students and families like you. Without you, there would be no Texas Storm Kenpo. For without students, there is no need for instructors.

The motto we live by is “Inspiring Your Success“.

We aim to help our students realize their true potential on and off the mat. Each of us have strengths and weaknesses. Together, we can lift each other up and reach levels of greatness that would be impossible by ourselves.

Text Storm Kenpo Karate in NorthRichland
October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate


Learning self-defense is not just for boys. Especially in today’s society. With children not safe even at school, at the bus stop, or playing outside in their front yard, girls are not immune to violence.

I teach that everyone should be important enough to protect and unless you are with your daughter 24/7, and you have the skills to protect them from a potentially dangerous person, she needs to obtain the skills necessary to protect herself.

Give the “gift of confidence” to a young female and teach her that she important enough to learn to protect herself.


Imagine for a moment, a society with no courtesy toward others or no agreed upon rules to follow. A community where people do whatever they want to each other, whenever they want, day or night.

Would you want to live there? Not me.

Now imagine a society where everyone appreciates kindness, cooperation, respect, honesty, courtesy, teamwork, courage and other important skills, that are taught to children. This environment would foster great harmony, and achievement.

Here at Texas Storm Kenpo Karate, we teach and value more than 18 different life skills and we start children as young as four years of age, how to become great members of society.

October Newsletter | Texas Storm Kenpo Karate
North Richland Adult Combat Kenpo Classes


Everyone should learn to protect themselves.

There is a saying, “When minutes count, the police are only minutes away!”, and this is true. Unless an officer is right there with you, and one who has the courage protect you, you are on your own in a violent situation. 

Think about that for a moment.

We can help.

We offer women’s self defense seminars, private lessons, morning and evening group classes, even a 20 hour course in basic self defense.

If you are interested in learning to protect yourself and your loved ones. Reach out to us. We are here to serve you.

Texas Tornado Newsletter

“Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude! Stop Stinking Thinking When It Starts!”

© Copyright 2020 Texas Storm Kenpo Karate


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