October Life Skills - Patience
Our Life Skill this month is patience.
Patience is an important skill for everyone. You see, when we are young, we get all this attention. It seems we are the center of everyone’s universe.
We are waited on hand and foot. When we cry, others rush to meet our needs.
As we grow and are becoming more exposed to a more social environment, it takes time and training to learn we are no longer the center of everything.
It is then, that as children we need to take turns and not always get to go first, despite the impulse to try and satisfy our own wants immediately.
We mature more and have to learn to wait for things that we “think” we need and learn to put things off for future gratification.
As we age, we learn to have patience with the behaviors of others. Sometimes we have to see situations through the eyes and feelings of others.
True patience as a mature adult, takes on several meanings. Patience requires a person to be willing to give up immediate gratification for something we feel we deserve. It also means giving a child time to grow and learn by trial and error, as we guide them into wonderful human beings.